Saturday, July 3, 2010

Things are still not right

Halfway through the Kinder year, things start to crack again. I'm a member of a brilliant Parenting forum called BellyBelly and there is a section for Aspy/Austism/Sensory matters. I've been lurking in there for awhile. I go to post a question but then Cyclone seems to settle down so I don't bother.

After awhile I take the plunge - here is the post.

Oh Jeez, having a crapola day today. He just doesn't LET UP.

I still can't work out if Cyclone just has a hair trigger temper combined with general (extreme) naughtiness or if it's something more.

Last playdate, dp picked him up and the mum was just saying how wonderfully behaved they both were when Cyclone noticed dp there and just went POSTAL. Screaming abuse and hitting, running off and declaring dp an a hole....

He never, ever stops talking. If something doesn't go his way it's DEF CON 10, freakin screaming, hitting, threatening blah blah.
dp hates taking him to the shops cos he is such an embarrassment, but I find I can handle it because I handle him really calmly, but it's very tiring having to assess every potential 'hazard' so I can jump in and walk/distract him through it.
He has always been pretty good for both grandparents, but still has meltdowns here and there. They both keep him pretty busy though.

He has some quirks - we all MUST watch the very beginning of The Simpsons every time it comes on (DAMN you Foxtel). If we are all not present in the room and watching DEF CON 10. Before then we all had to watch the end of Sesame Street to see the train coming through the tunnel. He really hates the strangest things - Sesame Street, Yo Gabba Gabba and Pinky Doo - GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!!! Meltdown.

I hate it when people in the street catch his eye or makes a comment. He takes it as negative if people smile at him and often yells at them. I have to reassure him no one is laughing at him.

And he won't leave his poor bloody sister alone. He seems hell bent on upsetting her, hurting her and tormenting her. I can't leave them alone together. Sometimes they play beautifully. I suppose that's because Beth just does what he tells her to do.

Today - he mashed flypaper in her hair

It's really hard to keep your cool, allll daaaay looong

I dunno, I go from thinking I am really on his level, to worrying that I'm not providing the right environment for him dammit.

So I threw it out there. The responses I got pushed me to seek a little harder into what was going on. You can click the BellyBelly link to read for yourself.